Monday, October 26

”是你们对抗我 不是我的错“

上面那句 不是我说的



有时候 真的会和对方 擦出火花 吵架 不爽

今早 某人 那是对我说的话

那人 练习的时候 发生很多事情


今天 练习



可是他 却坐着


很不爽了哦 (因为他会了嘛 才怪)

所以 我“请”他来练习

舞步 他不是很熟

那时候 我已经很火了

我教的时候 他又不看 点头点头 会会会

跳出来 又错




(也可以说我的错 可是我不道歉 因为他骗人 博取别人的同情 可恶)

接下 我队跳自己的

他要跳不跳 不管我事 反正之前练习也没有他 习惯了

然后就出现了 这句 “是你们对抗我 不是我的错”


(我的错 我的错 才怪)

今天一整天在留意他 他的某些动作是否欺骗人  博取同情



结果 很多人都说他骗人

算了 不是我贱



我其实很贱的 不要逼我 出贱招

4 甜甜圈:

翔羚 said...


Well said...


Had read your post after I completed my assignment. Nice experience u gets there. Even though IPGM is small place but you can see variety of people lurking around here. This is just tiny part of games in your life, you will see lots of scene like this as time goes by^^.

Experience u gather everyday will make your life become more mature and change the way u make decisions. Just don’t follow ur felling to make any conclusion. Think bout the good and bad coz, any decision u made will affect ur life in short term even worse for the long term.

As for me, my experiences during working life change me a lot.
I see my very best friend died before me, during working hour they call that “ur friend is already died this morning caused by road accident”. Then, my mind blank……just standing there doing nothing and in silent mode (no vibration^^), can’t think anything. Slowly my mind working again and my mind give a question “Well what can you do?” So I reply to this question,

Damn it!!!…I can’t do anything. I am not a God. So there I am, standing and crying like a baby.
“What can I do? (Crying) God what can I do? (Crying)” - Seriously there is nothing I can do. I am just a trash if something like this happen again. So the only thing that I can do is just attended the burial ceremony. That all!.

In office, u will work with many departments when u out from this IPGM someday. U will see many people with different behavior. During my working life, I learned to categorize people base on their behavior and intelligence.
Some women born with nice appearance but when working, they are worst than average women. This applies for man too. Nice body, though, handsome, etc….but when time to make a decision, haaaa…. They are same with secondary school student. They only know to talk but useless. Same with empty can.

So, u must be preparing for any situation. This world is not that really fun when u enter an adult hood. Experience can color u life in different way. But it’s all up to u anyway.

Try to learn from ur experience. U cant change people in blink of eye. He or she already live with that behavior since they born. U cant change that instantly. But “you” already saw that….and u already know it. U are the best in the world because u know it. Try to become flexible; we are not robot anyway with fixed program planted in our head.

“Try to accepting people with what they are and be friendly”. This life is too short anyway. Maybe I cant even visiting my entire hometown till I die or I cant event recognize my own neighbor^^.
If something happen with that person, u will automatically involve in it even though u are not involve physically because your heart already in it. Even worst when life is involved. U will regret it entire of ur life.
Be smart when dealing with conflict^^. After all, we all want to live in better world. Let it be…..and take a deep breath. And say this mantra in your heart” Why this friend is acting like this? Is he/she born like this?” then try to laugh in your heart “hahaha….stupid he/she didn’t even know he/she like that”…..

“Learning takes place when there is a change in your behavior”

Its me,

DoNuT LayC said...

开不了口 让他知道

wau well, so long o..
first time in my blog got so long comment.
well, i will remember wat u write

Well said...


hmmm...u should...hehehe

Maybe tomorrow, next week, next mth or next year i die.....hope this advise will give some guideline in ur life.


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